Monday, December 20, 2010

Giveaway Winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the December Giveaways. There were over 300 entries between the blog, email, and Facebook. I apologize for not being able to reply individually. Please know that I read every comment and they touch me deeply. The stories of loss break my heart and I grieve for each one. I am honored that you share your stories with me, and for others to read. It is so important to know that we are not alone in our journey, although it may feel like it. More and more, I see how we are really a community brought together through tragic circumstances to lift each other up and to lighten the burdens with compassion and understanding. I am truly grateful for each of you.

I appreciated the product suggestions and testimonials, it is great to get that kind of feedback in order to be in touch with what my customers want and need. I am thankful to those that shared their insights with me and will keep those suggestions in mind as I create new products.

I was especially delighted by the gorgeous and artistic photographs of your My Forever Child pieces! After the holidays, I will be contacting those entrants for permission to include the photos on my website and blog. I'd love to be able to share your treasured keepsakes.

Listed below are the random winners. Please email me your shipping address at by December 28th to claim your prize.
First Prize: a Custom Engraved Footprint Heart Pendant
Michelle Braziel

Second Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to any item(s) at
Teresa Stillwell

Third Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to any item(s) at
Mattie Wells

Fourth Prize: Always In My Heart Charms -Ten winners will be chosen to receive a charm!
Sonya- from blog
Carrie- from blog
Lisette- from blog
Lost-for-words - from blog
BeanNBearsMom- from email
Leanne Hoovler- from email
My Strong Little Angel- from email
Sonya Poll- from Facebook
Suzette Stokes- from Facebook
Michelle Ervin- from Facebook

Warmest wishes for peace and comfort on this holiday season. Wishing a blessed and very Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.

Thank you for all your support in 2010. May you have a healthy and happy New Year 2011.
~Sue Mosquera

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Monday, December 6, 2010

December 12th- The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting Services

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting®, held annually the second Sunday in December, this year December 12th, unites family and friends around the globe as they light candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause. As candles are lit at 7 p.m. local time, creating a virtual wave of light, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor the memories of children in a way that transcends all ethnic, cultural, religious, and political boundaries.

Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the Worldwide Candle Lighting, a gift from TCF to the bereavement community, creates a virtual 24-hour wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone. Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held and thousands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes as families gather in quiet remembrance of children who have died, but will never be forgotten.
Click Here for more info on the candle lighting and Click Here to view services in the United States and around the globe visit events page.

Throughout the day, a Remembrance Book will be available from their home page. You are invited to leave a message to honor the memory of a special child in your life...that their light may always shine.

And ...While visiting the website take a few minutes to watch The Compassionate Friends video "After a Child Dies".

If you are a Facebook user, the Compassionate Friends has a truly wonderful page with lots of loving support. Click Here to visit the TCF Facebook page.

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December Giveaways!

In hopes of sharing a little bit of happiness during this emotionally tough holiday season, I am hosting a December Giveaway:

First Prize: a Custom Engraved Footprint Heart Pendant
Second Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to any item(s) at
Third Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to any item(s) at
Fourth Prize: Always In My Heart Charms -Ten winners will be chosen to receive a charm!

Enter the Giveaway via one (or more!) of these methods:
a) Post a comment on our blog post at (be sure to include your email address)
b) Post a comment on our Facebook Page in the designated giveaway post at
c) email at

Each of these items count as 1 Entry for the giveaway. There is no limit on how many entries you place, but please keep your entries to any of the following:
1) Testimonial/Review of a My Forever Child product
2) Testimonial of how My Forever Child has touched your life
3) Send a picture of your My Forever Child keepsake, or you wearing your MFC jewelry
4) How would you spend your gift certificate?
5) If you won the Custom Footprints pendant, whose footprints would you be using?
6) Share what your favorite My Forever Child product is
7) Product Suggestion

Extra Entries:
~Suggest our Facebook Page to your friends
~Tweet about the Giveaway
~Post on your Blog about the Giveaway
~Place the My Forever Child "Button" on your blog or website
~Email others about the Giveaway

The Giveaway runs from December 9th - Dec 17th. Winners will be announced on Monday, December 20th. All entries count and will be chosen at random. The more entries you post, the better your chances for winning one of the great prizes. Good Luck and thank you for your support of My Forever Child. We truly appreciate it!

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope is a new website that is only a few months old, but quickly gaining attention. This is an excerpt from the Founder, Kristin Cook:

There are hundreds of women bravely and openly sharing their stories of miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss on personal blogs, all over the world, and others who are looking for a way to share their stories with others. Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope is a place for us to come together and share our stories and our faces with others who may be looking for reassurance that they are not alone. My hope is that Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope becomes a place for new members of this "babyloss club" to come and read hundreds of other stories, and see hundreds of other faces like theirs, all in one place.

It is also my hope that Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope brings awareness to the issue of pregnancy/infant loss. I hope that by telling the world we are not afraid to show our faces and tell our stories, barriers will be broken down. Taboos will be broken, and lines of communication will be opened.

In reading many of the stories of loss and the uplifting stories of hope, I knew I had to participate. Although I've written pieces of my story several times over the last eight years, I haven't shared it in much detail with the world. I procrastinated on writing the stories and honestly, it was an emotionally tough few days going down that dark road of grief again. But I am excited to share my story of loss and story of hope with you now. Reader Discretion is advised, please do not read the stories if you think it would be too upsetting. You can read these stories here:

My Story of Loss
My Story of Hope

And this is a recent post on Still Life 365 about my own personal charm bracelet in Matthew's memory. Click Here to view.

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