Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Miscarriage Survey

Hi everyone,

I am writing to ask for your help. First off, let me say that I havee xperienced infertility for several years. As a result I also experienced several devastating losses. Throughout the course of this I have realized how much it hurts when people don't know what to say or say something they think is helpful and it really isn't (just relax, you can try again,etc!).

Because of all my experiences I have decided to conduct research that will help to educate and inform practitioners, family members, and friends ofthose who have had a miscarriage. I am currently conducting an online study that asks you how you talked with others after a miscarriage. In addition to filling out scales, there is a spot to write out the story of YOUR miscarriage. I know experiences vary and I really want to look at individuals stories of what they went through.I am a PhD student and hope to get the message out there that miscarriage and issues of fertility are difficult and individuals who experience these issues need support.

I have conducted another study that looked at the hurtful/helpful messages women have received and am currently developing training procedures for practitioners and family member to help educate them on how to provide support after someone they know has had a miscarriage.

If you or anyone you know would be willing to participate I would greatly appreciate it. Again, I am doing this so that others who have reproductive issues will hopefully be able to find support and comfort. I will be more than happy to share the results with anyone. Here is the link to the study:

You are eligible to complete this if you are a woman who has experienced amiscarriage in the last 5 years, are over 19 years of age and were married at time of miscarriage. You do not currently have to be in a romantic relationship. Thanks in advance for your help. Please feel free to contact me with anyquestions or concerns. I am more than happy to pass along my results. It is my greatest hope that we can work to find ways for people to talk about this with those they love the most and to give those individuals the toolsto offer support.


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